What wonderful words! Sam and I went to David Beard's Catfish King in Mt. Pleasant for lunch a couple of days ago. They have restaurants in a few southern states, David Beard's Catfish Village, as well as several Catfish Kings sprinkled around. Catfish King is the 'fast food' place.
A couple of booths behind us, a little boy was awestruck when he opened his kid's meal. I don't know what he ordered, but it had plenty of fries with it, and he was excited. He was planning to take the box the meal came in home with him...and I think the toy was a boat...Get it? Catfish restaurant...boat... ;o)
All of a sudden we heard, "This place is AWESOME!"
I can not count the number of times we've been in a restaurant with misbehaving children. This was such a pleasure.
I subbed at high school yesterday. Jumped in the car after school and went to Mama's to pick up some okra to pickle. Gave her a hug and back in the car to the school to work the concession stand during the volleyball game. I left the house at 7:30 a.m. or so and got home about 8:30 p.m. Loooong day.
I got home to Sam and his brand new cold. I bent down to kiss him as he sat on the couch and he turned his head. I thought I'd been snubbed for being gone all day, but as my hand touched his neck - aw shucks...I wasn't just gonna give him a peck, I was gonna lay a big fat kiss on him... ;o)...I realized how hot he felt to the touch. He was running fever. Thank goodness he woke feeling better.
*** Well something happened and I lost internet before publishing this post, but I just noticed that it was saved in Drafts...so all was not lost ***
A few days have passed since the beginning of this post...
It was 59 degrees this morning!! I am so excited about the cool weather. Especially since we have officially entered fall and the grass is still green...almost unheard of here. On the way to school this morning, steam was wafting over the ponds and a low mist was just starting to dissipate in the areas surrounding stands of trees and woods. I wish I had a photo to show you but, alas, my ever trusty camera was at home in my sewing room.
Later gator!
Seems like this sickness is going around...we've all been sick.