Don't know what happened...whether it was operator error or camera problems ...Yeah..right. We know the true answer. Most of the photos I took of the whole quilt are blurred. The zoomed in photos are clear. Figure that one out.
Here's just a sampling of what I keep going back to look at again...
Made out of ties.What a CUTE idea! Wouldn't this be a great birthday party project?!I am a hand quilting snob. But look at the machine quilting on this. I'm sure that many others were just as good, but the dark green border with the white thread really made this one stand out to me. (See the bit of blurr in this?) I think it was the local guild who did a CQ challenge. I loved the gloved hand. And these three friends. The border really made this Grandmother's Flower Garden.
they r gorgeous. Lot of work and talent in those quilts.