When I looked out the living room window Sunday morning I saw three hummingbirds at the feeder. Grabbing the camera, I went outside and stood beside one of the porch pillars. Two of the hummers paid me no mind...the third would zoom in and out hovering just "over there" watching me, but never approaching the feeder.
I LOVE this one caught in mid-hover!
A friend gave me a couple of pieces of fabric. Jonathan immediately recognized this piece from Saturday morning cartoons when he was a kid...Pinky and the Brain. He recently acquired a Kindle and requested a cover using this fabric. He is just a 29-year old kid after all. :-)
Like me, he did not want a triangle cutting across his Kindle screen so I used Velcro. He will stick the other pieces to the back of his Kindle.
In mine, I used cardboard for stiffener. Since Jonathan did not want pockets, I used plastic needlepoint canvas.
He has a book reading light that is supposed to be clipped onto the pages of a REAL book. He wanted a slot for the clip. I made a long buttonhole...and he can clip it onto the plastic canvas.
Love PInky and the Brain! They are so funny! Narf!!!