Monday, November 10, 2008

Riding the Talimena Drive

Sam, Elton and Carol (Sam's brother and his wife), and I drove to Mena Arkansas last Friday. We got to town a little too early for lunch so just drove around a bit. Carol spotted an estate sale sign. Sam nicely followed the signs, turned around and parked right out front. Carol didn't find anything to die for, but would you believe that Sam pointed out a couple of items to me...the first I passed on. It was a really good buy, a nearly new Osterizer blender for $10, but I don't use the one I have but maybe once every six months. I passed on that. Then he found a Rival saladmaster still in the box for only $4. I have my mother's but just had to have this one. My justification is that one of the 'kids' may want it. This 'new' one is a bit different from Mama's...I think a different brand. (This is similar, but not exact to either one that I have. Mama's does not have the white coating on the base.)

After lunch, we started out on the Talimena Drive stopping at Queen Wilhimena Lodge. We also made a stop at the fire tower. A sign said that it was open Friday, Saturday, and Sunday after lunch, weather permitting. Well, weather wasn't permitting. Carol was so disappointed...she did so want to climb it.

The colors were just about gone on top of Rich Mountain, but down the hillsides - breath-taking!

Best of all, Carol spotted this beauty in an antique store. She had to have it. Since we were in a car, she passed. Before we left the store though, she got a business card. This morning she called me to ask when I was available to go back to Mena. Then she called the store, bargained with them a bit. We go back to Mena in the morning!
BTW, it is a Willcox & Gibbs. The patent date is July 4-71 (That's 1871!) We thought the bobbin was missing. Over the weekend, I did a search on its value (Found only one with a cabinet and it was pricey!) and sent Carol what I found. When she got a chance, she researched the history of the machine. It doesn't have a bobbin. It does what is called a chain stitch. Not as stable as a machine with the bobbin. But advertised as running silent.

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