Sunday, November 9, 2008

Sunday Morning Ride

I had a wonderful time! The Longview L.O.H. (Ladies of Harley) met in Longview today for a ride. Sam rode with me to Longview - it's about 40 miles. Then he went on his merry way and a wonderful group of ladies babysat me. They are so patient and gave me many pointers even to tell me where there was a good parking lot near me where I can practice going slow and turns. I was put behind the road captain in second place.

I do pretty good until I slow down. That's bad...LOL I can stop decently - have a tendency to sneak up on the stop sign and am working on that. I got thumbs up several times towards the end of my ride. Starting up from a stop is no fun at all, especially if a turn is involved. I'll get there though. I did ride solo for a few miles. The ladies were going to continue their ride by going around Lake o' the Pines, but when we passed within a few miles of my home, I rode on home...they knew of course.

Sam said that he'd not been home long when he heard me. He was waiting in front of the garage when I pulled up. I now have over 500 miles on my bike having put about 143 on it today. ;o)

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