I woke at 6:30 this morning and got straight to work. After double checking the names and verifying that no one is a relative of mine or an employee of my company (oops....I don't have a company) or any of my subsidiaries (oh, no company - no subsidiaries), no one sent any bribe money or goodies or even chocolate - rats! I then started the ardous task of hand-writing all the names of the many people who entered this fabulous give-away opportunity.
Oh, back to the task at hand. And the winner - drum roll - is.
If it would have been Connie Rice, she would have gotten my vote. No, it's not about race for me, but it will be about race for the new Pres.
All the names & insults that have been thrown at Bush,will not be allowed now because of race. I fear the loss of freedom.
Most of all I fear for our saftey. The head of our country lacks experience in anything, but clearly has none in military matters.
On the lighter side, your property and the photo's are pretty.
I am thankful for Pa.'s leash law. Here, the neighbor's dogs would be fined first call, then rounded up and taken away on the second call. If a dog killed another, someone would shoot it.
Hey.... THANKS SHERRY ~~ I LOVE being a winner! Guess I WILL now have to make my bro a denim vest ... he's a vest kinda guy. I look forward to receiving this fabulous prize, and will post a pic of when I get his done! Hope I can find a pattern that big ;-)
On the election ... I know, no matter what side won, that GOD IS STILL IN CONTROL... and I'm trusting HIS decision to allow the election to go according to HIS plan... HE sees so much more than we can even dream... And HE sees way into the future where we have such a minnute picture of things... Praise God!
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