I still love my job.
I am not ready to retire.
My judge is retiring the end of this year.
Three Republicans and one Democrat tossed their hats in the ring.
None of the Republicans garnered over 50% of the vote.
The run-off between two of them is in May.
ALL of the original four asked me to stay.
I have my own campaign manager!
My elementary school principal my 5th and 6th grades came to see me and told me that prior to the primary he had talked with each candidate and told them that they better be smart and keep me.
He's a sweetheart!
We went to New Iberia Louisiana!
If seafood was on the menu, I ate it!
This Tabasco infused chocolate is to die for! One itty bitty piece at a time!!!I pretty much tried to eat my way across southern Louisiana to New Orleans!!
On the trolley in NOLA.
There's two ways to eat a Beignet. Only one is correct.
My hurricane!!! (I had two since Sam was leading the way.
French Quarter
Jonathan graduated Police Academy January 2017. (Second from right)
We had a party! More donuts were eaten than cake. Surprise!!! Not really. ;-)
He went to work with Morris County Sheriff's office as a jailer while waiting on the next Deputy position. In the meantime, he was sworn in as a Reserve Deputy and I got to pin him!!
The kids are growing up! Colt and Isabel are SEVEN. Cain is days away from turning SIX.
We traveled to Colorado.
Saw the sites...
Ate the food...
Sipped the drinks.
Savored the desserts.
Ate more food. I'm still cooking!
Making a couple of margaritas on occasion.
Acquiring "just one more" piece of cast iron.
These ARE croutons. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
You know...JUST one more piece of cast iron.
My last "just ONE more piece of cast iron." :-p
ALWAYS remember:
Life is short. EAST DESSERT FIRST!