What a glorious sound! I stepped out on the front porch to clip my fingernails. Broke one the other day and can't stand the jagged look of one shorter than the rest.
Our neighbors have a little boy...and enough toys in the front yard for a preschool nursery! They have a fenced in backyard so we haven't figured out why the front yard is the playground. But it's nunya...none of your (our) business.
They are outside with the child constantly. As were he and his mother this morning. I loved the laughter and the giggles and found a couple of weeds to pull, untangled a wind chime, just stood and smiled while enjoying the sound of the little boy at play.
My little boy is 26 years old...and not so little either. ;o)
What a beautiful day the Lord has made. It's been a little overcast and muggy, but still gorgeous!
Baby brother, Joey, you remember him don't you? I've promised myself not to refer to him by the Brat any more. I think I'm doing rather well...don't you? ;o) He sent this photo.
It's a neighbor's dogwood in all its majestic glory! I don't know if it's the rain or the extended cold, but this year's dogwoods are really putting on a show.
Thanks Br...oops...THANKS JOEY! Love you!! ;o)