Count your blessings see what God has done
Count your blessings
Name them one by one
Count your many blessings see what God has done.
I have been blessed in so many areas of my life.
A wonderful family including two fantastic grandchildren with another on the way.
A loving husband...who WILL one day finish my cutting table for my sewing room!
The best son God could've ever given me.
Two stepchildren one of whom has told me that I'm "cool." :-D
Good health.
I am an optimist and as long as I do my part, I have faith that things will work out for good.
My mother with all her aches and pains...BUT who does not have anything seriously wrong with her stomach. Thank you God!
A great job working for a wonderful Christian woman. Fair, honest, caring. I can not use enough adjectives to describe her.
Friends. I have more friends than I can count on one hand.
Salvation. One day I will once again see my grandparents, Daddy, Ron, family and friends who started their grand adventure before me.