Starting off with an "oops" is indicative of something gone wrong. I pulled out the bread machine yesterday. Contrary to the directions, the first thing I do when I slip the loaf out of the pan is to take a bread knife and slice a good thick slice of the top...butter it...yeah, yeah, yeah...cut it in half and share with Sam. BUT!!! I do get the first bite. Oops. No salt. We have to salt the bread before we can eat it. It is still delicious!We had a bit of a storm last night. Lightning and really heavy rain for 30 minutes or so. Then it settled down. We got about 1 1/3 " overnight. Cooled the temps down a bit, but this afternoon, it was definitely warmer and humid.Here are the blooms fully open on one of the mother-in-law's tongue. I am always surprised at the sweet, sweet perfume that comes from these small blossoms.
Look! Three little hairless babies! Okay!! Featherless! The mama really got fracious waiting for me to get the photo and leave her brood alone.
Ta-da! My sweater back is finished! Um...I thought I purchased one dye lot. The middle section sure has more red/orange in it. Laura (friend who taught me to knit) and Carol both said that that sometimes happens with variegated yarns. CAN'T SEE THE CABLES! All that work and they just fade away. Last night I cast on and knitted a couple of rows of ribbing for the front. Knitted more today watching a couple of movies.I am so excited about this new digital television broadcasting. At first I wasn't, but we've gained a few channels. One of which is THIS. "Classic" television shows and old movies! I wanted one The Earthling with William Holden and little Ricky Schroeder...filmed in Australia. Very good! Tonight I finished up Dancing With Wolves. I don't normally watch that much television in one day.
Photos of the building on Wednesday.
Before lunch - no roof. Roof went on after lunch. Crew decided to head home leaving the job unfinished.
This morning Elton arrived. He and Sam put the trim and gutters up on the front. Tomorrow, they will continue around the sides and back of the building.