We celebrated afterwards. ;o)
I undecorated my house this afternoon. Got all the Christmas decorations put away. Even the little plaster of Paris Santa Claus that I got in the second or third grade that I did not put away last year...when I saw it later, I put it behind a picture frame. No one else knew it was there all year! I put my little tree in a garbage bag, decorations and all LOL, and put it in the corner of the guest room closet. Next year, I'll pull it out and say, "Voila!"
The table linens are still in the dining room. Guess I will do that tomorrow. Also got the - yawn - ironing done. Thank goodness I didn't let it pile up this time...only four shirts for Sam, one blouse for me, and four pairs of slacks for me. I have a brown blouse that I need to shorten. It is way loooong. And since my body is more 'mature' now - boo hoo - I don't tuck my shirts in any more. This thing almost looks like a tunic. Got all the laundry done except our sheets. I'll do that tomorrow since the courthouse is closed for the New Year holiday.
I'm telling ya...this new (old) body sucks. (I hate that word and here I am using it.) When I was offered this new job, I realized I had to dress better. So into the guest room closet I dug pulling out clothes I wore to work six years ago. The skirts fit. Even the skirts with zippers The tops do NOT FIT! If I can get them to button, they gap. WHAT HAPPENED?! I've been buying 'coordinating' pieces. A size 12 skirt/pants and a size 14 or 16 top to go with it. eyeroll DISGUSTING!
Jonathan messaged me on Facebook and asked me to thank Sam again for taking him and his bike home after Christmas. He realized how bad his front tire was...really dangerous. Sam most likely saved him from having a blow-out and being severely injured or killed. I am so thankful for those little nudges that God gives us.