I was playing with my scanner, scanning photos out of my high school annual and posting on Facebook. Yeah...gonna make some enemies...that's for sure! LOL I noticed these.
We still lived in Lake Jackson here. Seems like I remember...Mama and her sister, my Aunt Ruthie, came to visit. Jonathan looks to be about 16 or 17 here...maybe...so about 2000.I really like this photo of Jonathan.
I mentioned my covered cast iron skillet in the Irish Soda Bread post. Everyone...and I do mean EVERYONE who likes cast iron and sees my covered chicken fryer...well...they are just flat out jealous! I've had it...like forever! Initially used for frying chicken...which I don't do any more...it is the best bacon fryer ever! I can tuck and layer six slices of bacon in the skillet and cover it. The grease does not pop all over the stove top. I do not drain the grease off every time I use it. I just cover the skillet with the lid. And just leave it on the stove top. I know...I know! Not 'classy' at all. But hey! This is my kitchen! And MY COVERED CAST IRON CHICKEN FRYER!
Saint Patrick's Day is also my mother's birthday! She was born March 17, 1935 in Bowie County Texas. A home delivery, she was so puny that the doctor laid her on the trunk to die. Her grandmother walked in and asked, "Why is this baby over here?" The doctor gave his verdict on her ability to survive. Mama Durham picked that little girl up, cleaned her up, and she survived. She survived to marry and have four children. I have the distinction of being Favorite Daughter.I am - ahem - the only daughter. But even if I had sisters...I'd still be the favorite. I just know deep down in my heart that that IS the way it would be. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
She supported me - literally - as I buried my first husband. Helped her sons as their marriages ended and supported them as they made new beginnings. She has buried her parents and her husband of almost 50 years...and she still survives. Here we are with the Blocker family quilt. The family that the tenacious Mama Durham was born into. An article about the quilt ran in the local paper here in my hometown and in the New Boston paper near where Mama grew up. The photo was taken Christmas 2010.
Giving her a couple/three options for lunch, she asked me to pick up barbeque and bring it to her house for lunch Wednesday. I also delivered this...a purse I made for her. Complete with my label sewn inside. I do everything I can to keep the Favorite Daughter designation! ;-)