I got very little quilting done this week because of subbing at high school.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Prize Photo
I got very little quilting done this week because of subbing at high school.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
I Won a Blog Prize!!!
Scott, over at Blue Nickel Studios, celebrated his 200th post with a 7 prize giveaway. http://bluenickelstudios.com/?p=1221#comments He asked what we came to mind when we thought about a bungalow, a cottage, and where would we want to spend our holiday.
I won prize #2 (which included more items than he showed in his phot0) in the Form category. Scott said, Sherry’s entry reminded me of a very long Haiku poem..with beautiful descriptions to boot….
This is what I wrote:
Seaside bungalow…
Well-worn board floors, sand in the cracks than can never be swept out.
Children never in the house, playing in the sand dunes, in the water, tracking in that sand that settles in the cracks of the floor boards never to be swept out again.
Beautiful dark woodwork worn down and darkened by years of living…and loving.
Scuffed Adirondack chairs on the porch with well-worn cushions.
Wicker glass-topped table.
Pitcher of lemonade.
Fiesta plate piled with gingersnaps.
A good book.
Cottage at the edge of the woods…
White picket fence needing another coat of whitewash.
English country garden outside with an explosion of color.
Antique roses of every color and hue with delicious perfumy aromas competing for attention.
Same large floral prints, ginghams, checks scattered throughout the interior on sofa, chairs, ottoman, curtains, bedspreads, and floors.
An overstuffed chair in a corner well-lit by a lamp on top of a crocheted scarf.
A cup of tea.
Royal Doulton plate full of teacakes.
A good book.
Where do I want to be? Right where I am. Content.
Especially content right now. I'm listening to the Washington R&B CD he sent. LOVE IT!
Monday, March 8, 2010
Penny Said...
Got my car washed again. I love watching the red strips...
Progress on Sherry's Rose...