And I've been running around catching up with myself. WHEW! What a busy, busy life! I have been working two jobs. The first day I came straight home from the courthouse...well...I felt like I had 4 hours to get supper ready. LOL Actually got to sit down for a few minutes. I've been busy with the Friends of the Library, the Chamber of Commerce, and working full time training at the Courthouse.
The Friends hosted our second annual Breakfast With Rudolph last Saturday.
And we had photo problems AGAIN! The photos are the only charge - or should I say "suggested donation." Breakfast is free. Sitting on Rudolph's lap is free. The $1 'donation' for the photos in no way covers the expense. I think we need to just put a donation jar on the counter and print hahahahaha free photos. Then they can donate whatever they want. We are going to try a different photo approach next year and also tell parents/aunts/uncles/grandparents/whoever to be sure to bring their own camera. Or maybe that's just what we need to do to start with!
That over with - the Chamber sponsored Christmas parade and concert in the park was Monday night. And voting for new directors is ongoing. I've been going to the Chamber office during lunch and after work. The directors' meeting was Tuesday night and with a bit of help, I got the 2011 billing envelopes sealed and stamped and in the mail afterwards. Finishing everything up during noon Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday...sigh... I will now check the mail only a couple of times a week. Yes. Interviews are ongoing for my replacement. And I told the directors that I would train my replacement. One business woman fussed that if this were next year...after retirement...that she would love it! Sorry...
The job training is going smooth. I'm am really excited about the first of the year when the new judge comes in. We've both got a lot of learning to do...her waaaay more than me of course!
All the way from Cherry in Australia!!
Aren't they just too cute?!
Remember I sent her the Texas shaped sun-catcher? This is what she sent me in return.
Thanks Cherry!!