A co-worker was going to take him to Wal-Mart to see if he could get a spark plug socket...only to find that his pickup had been stolen! Poor co-worker's truck was not stolen...it was repossessed.
Jonathan and Sarah pushed it the block and a half to the motorcycle shop. He received reports on his drive up here. Back at home...nearly $200 later...
WHAT IS WITH PEOPLE?! Sorry. No account. Users and abusers! Hands out for what someone else has worked had for. Too lazy to expend energy to find a job and instead, expend more energy stealing and destroying.
May they/he/she someday soon face what they've done and ask for God's forgiveness. And while, most likely, will not be able to repay my son for what was done...they will help someone else.
Hydro-locked is the term. Basically, the cylinder fills with oil making it where the crank shaft cannot move. Also, I found out that my co-worker's truck wasn't stolen. It was repo'ed...
So sorry to hear this. I know there must be wonderful places to live in Texas.. San Antonio is not one of them. Unfortunately the Katrina people brought with them crime. Right now I'm trying to deal with the lastest crook..a 9 yr. old girl who lives in the Fema trailers and sold me Christmas items for the school. She collected the money and that was the last I saw her. By the time she's old enough to steal a cycle, she'll have moved onto bigger crime. I guess all we can do is pray for them.
Thieves live in every city, suburb, rural area, state and country around the world. It is not limited to San Antonio or a nursing home parking lot in Lake Jackson. No one wants to live in our nation's capitol! With the druggies and politicians...talk about crooked dishonest people!!
Wherever greed, laziness, drugs, etc. enter the picture...there's always someone out there ready to attack wherever they see an opening. Many exert even more effort in their nefarious ventures - that they could have been working and earning an honest living!
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