Friday, May 30, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

We attended a motorcycle rally, Party in the Pines, in Longview this past weekend. This is just their third year and they more than doubled last year's attendance. Over 4,000 people had registered by Saturday evening. This photo shows just a few of the bikes waiting for the beginning of the Joker Run Saturday morning. Sam and I did not go on the run as we had committed ourselves to working at the site that morning and afternoon, but after church services Sunday morning provided by the Christian Motorcyle Association, we did go on a ride and returned in time to fulfill the remainder of our volunteer commitment.

I took a few photos of my beautiful Dietz lilies that Carol, my sister-in-law shared with me. Aren't they just beautiful?!

When we purchased our home in 2004, I did some Internet research to find out what variety of hosta would work for my little corner of Texas. I planted six Undulata Albomarginata bulbs (or whatever they are called). Talk about disappointed! The first two years - absolutely nothing to brag about for the three that did sprout and survive. Last year was better. This year ... see for yourself! I'll repost when they bloom.
Now, I want to plant more around a redbud. I can see some of the blue varieties ringing the tree...