Thursday, December 16, 2010


While I had the machine embroidery attachment hooked up, I did a couple of towels for some friends. I wanted to do two different designs, but the only other lighthouse design I had on my computer was too detailed for what I wanted. So...I just used two different colors. I think Ben and Pat will be able to tell which towel belongs to whom.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Beautiful Monday

It was a clear cold 24 degrees this morning! I LOVE IT! Cold. No wind to amount to anything. Dry. I moved my potted plants in Saturday so they are safe. We don't have any pets. Propane tank is full. Contentment. No change in the seasons...or very little one of the main reasons I did not like living on the Gulf coast. ...Well not ON the coast, but 10 miles from it. (Although according to the weather report...they got rather chilly down there today too. And my poor baby is down there riding a motorcycle back and forth to work and home.)

I made beef stew for supper Sunday night. Browned the flour-dredged meat and put it in a slow cooker with potatoes, onions, carrots, bay leaves, garlic, tomatoes. Simmered on high all afternoon. Served with a pan of homemade cornbread. Sam bragged and bragged on the cornbread. This morning I ladled some into a container and put it in a soft-sided insulated bag and left it in the Tahoe. When I left for was 42 degrees. Perfect! I drove to Mama's for lunch. She did not know that I was coming. First thing, she asked me to change the sheets on her bed. :o) Gotta love her! She had already been to town for lunch but she sat with me in the kitchen while I ate. (YES! I brought enough stew for her supper!!! What kind of daughter do you think I am?) I plan to do that again...maybe once or twice a week.

This is what I saw on the way back to work...
Saturday, I made three stockings...All of the adults have one like Erin's. I threw the other two together with fabric from my stash. As the babies (remember, Colt is only a month old and Isabel isn't even born yet) develop personalities, I'll make appropriate stockings for them.

Sam celebrated his 75th birthday last Thursday! I did not have time to make his all time favorite dessert for his birthday, but I told him that I would do it Saturday. Weeeelllllllll.....Saturday I forgot. I cleaned house. Decorated a bit for Christmas. Made the three stockings. I don't know when I had the head thump moment...but first thing Sunday morning I started preparing the dried apricot filling. Sam noticed it when he walked through the kitchen. He asked what happened to Saturday? I asked if he remembered that I told him I would make them Saturday. Well, of course. I got busy cleaning house and decorating. But I'm making them now. :o)

He worked in the wood shop Sunday afternoon. When he came in he asked where they all were?
Usually there's about a dozen. I made them bigger this time. But there's ONLY seven. They're bigger though.

His sister is in from Bay City. She spent the night at Elton and Carol's. Elton and Linda came up and Sam joined them to go see Colt. But, last night...Sam and I discussed the apricot fried pies. At first there were seven. After supper there were only FIVE! Did he want to share them? LOL He told me to put them in the pantry. HECK NO! He's not sharing his apricot fried pies with anybody!!! But me... ;o)