Saturday, November 8, 2008


I purposely have not posted anything the week so that I could keep my first anniversary blog give-away up front (top) and center. Quite a bit has gone on this past week.

My views of the election: Bummer

These photographs are from my property.

The neighbor's horse enjoying the day. MOF, this is the only thing that neighbor has that doesn't bother or irritate us.

When we first moved in, Sam caught their son skateboarding on our front porch. When Sam opened the door and startled the kid he said, "Oh, I didn't know anyone was home." Yep, raise your eyebrow here.
Their two big dogs are never put up and come onto our property to do their dirty work: poop-piles not two feet from the front porch, new shrubs dug up, $200 pool cover clawed and torn. The little dog yaps at us when we are in our yard. We have ten acres - he yaps at us even if we are on the back corner. Gimme a break! After the two big dogs killed another neighbor's little dog, I called to let them know that my son was coming in with his dachshund and would they please put their dogs up for two days/one night. Nope. Sigh...
These two big oaks are the same variety. Look at the green leaves! (That tree lost half of itself when the storm from Hurricane Rita passed through.)

We have leaves falling all winter into...

This went on all winter last year as Sam wanted to see how much trouble it would be to not cover the pool. Talk about a nuisance! When the skimmer basket gets full of leaves, water can't flow so it gurgles and burps until you dump the basket. Thirty minutes later, you've got to clean it out again. I kept asking him even through January and February before the catkins (blossoms) started falling in the spring to puleeze cover the pool. The cover is still not on the pool...
Clouds behind the front this Thursday.

And The Winner Is...

I woke at 6:30 this morning and got straight to work. After double checking the names and verifying that no one is a relative of mine or an employee of my company (oops....I don't have a company) or any of my subsidiaries (oh, no company - no subsidiaries), no one sent any bribe money or goodies or even chocolate - rats! I then started the ardous task of hand-writing all the names of the many people who entered this fabulous give-away opportunity.
After breakfast and watching my three quilting/sewing programs on PBS this morning, I read a chapter in a Sharon Sala book (my favorite new author). When I saw how late it had become, I showered and sorted laundry.

Oh, back to the task at hand. And the winner - drum roll - is.
Congratulations, Lindsay aka Saved Sinnr!!!