Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Lani commented on my beginning time on the elliptical machine. I'm telling ya! It's a killer! The 30 seconds is the truth and nothing but the truth. However, it was after 20 minutes on the treadmill, a series of arm weight machine exercises, and 20 minutes on the exercise bike. After 30 seconds, my legs were like jelly. I was trying to 'step up' the exercising. But not that way!

The elliptical is giving me more of a workout than the treadmill, so I've dropped the treadmill for the elliptical. (16 1/2 minutes yesterday!) Then I do the arm exercises...then the exercise bike (I take a book to read while on the bike).

I took a real age test yesterday.

I scored 13 years younger than I actually am. To top it off...my life expectancy is 91.1 years! I'm not sure I want to live to be that old. Perhaps I need start smoking. Naahh. I'll just go eat more chocolate! ;o)

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Won A Blog Prize!!!

Yippee and thank you Kelly at I Have a Notion. http://ihaveanotion.blogspot.com/ I have won an autographed copy of Pat Sloan's Quilt the Seasons, Book 2. I am sooo excited. Isn't that a gorgeous quilt on the cover or what?
I realized that I didn't give an exercise/weight loss report yesterday. I meant to but got carried away with other things. Looks as if I've lost NINE pounds. I never dreamed that I would have exercised for six weeks and have not lost ten pounds yet. Sigh. But that's the way it is. I need to take a photo of my exercise outfit. You'll laugh. But waiting in the wings. Waiting for that "official" ten pound loss, I have a reward. I've purchased another outfit. Getting rid of those XL men's shorts and XL t-shirt. The new outfit is ONLY a large.

I have ditched the treadmill for the elliptical. Groan! Back in the dark ages when implements of torture were kept in the dungeon. Masks with spikes. The rack. Shudder. If you'd been there back then, between those two devices of horror was the horror of horrors. Yes. You guessed it. An elliptical exercise machine. Bwahahaha.

I have accomplished the miracle of miracles. Yes. I have worked up from 30 seconds to --- drum roll please --- FIFTEEN MINUTES.

Oh. How sweet. Y'all did the wave for me. Bless your little hearts.