Saturday, April 17, 2010

I Won a I Have A Notion Prize!!!

I bet y'all heard me scream a few minutes ago!

I won a prize from IHAN's month long bloganniversary. Click on the I Have A Notion button over on the right and look at all the goodies. I was getting myself resigned to write a congratulatory note to the winners when LO and BEHOLD!!! I saw MY name! I will NOT be patiently waiting to receive my new pattern. I want to start playing with it NOW!

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU, Kelly, McKenna, and everyone else who participated in this giveaway.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Mama and a Mole

My mother has a suddenly really nasty looking mole on her head. She just mentioned it to me today. It is red with an ugly jagged edge and looks, as I've already mentioned, really nasty! I asked her why she was just now mentioning it and why hadn't she let one of her friends look at it. The answer, she just noticed it this hurts to brush her hair so she hasn't. She has an appointment at the doctor bright and early Monday morning. I'll be driving her.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Outside - Mostly

Yesterday I went to the Ag department plant sale and bought two ferns...Mondo I think...and two mother-in-law's tongue/snake plant/sanseveria to replace the two I over watered this winter. (Story here...I divided my plants last fall and took what I didn't keep to the high school ag department. So, I bought some of my own plants back. LOL)

The ferns are perfect! The water hose snaking across the yard is going out to the live oaks. I'm going to have to take some photos in the morning before the late afternoon sun bleaches out the colors.This batch of bluebonnets runs alongside the driveway down by the road. The third and final variety of daffodils are blooming.I made these cute bags after lunch today. The pattern is called Origami. I had three different sets of instructions so made one bag per instruction. I do have my favorite...the bug bag. I'll probably make some more. We are having a family gathering at my house Memorial Day weekend. The grand nieces would probably like them.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Book and Bread

After our trip to the Hielands ;o) outside of Minden, Sam and I talked about Haggis. I picked up this cookbook at the Friends of the Daingerfield Public Library book sale a few years ago. I've never made anything out of it even though I do have two scones recipes that we really like. I can assure you that I won't be making Haggis.

How about Tossed Nettles? The Leek Pie does sound good. And using zucchini in the Marrow recipe sounds like it would work.This artisan bread recipe is not in the cookbook, but it was delicious for lunch. LOL! I looks like a ham doesn't it? I didn't have enough cornmeal on the peel and had a bit of trouble sliding it onto the pizza stone in the oven. Still tasted good!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

So Sorry!

I'm trying to keep him to myself! ;o)

Gathering of the Clans

Sam and I really enjoyed the Scottish Tartan Festival yesterday! I saw a brief blurb on the local news earlier in the week, checked it out on the internet, and forwarded the information to Sam with a "Let's do this!" So, we did! We enjoyed the music, the dance, the food...Even though Sam thought the portions were small and stopped in Waskom TX for dessert...which became a full-fledged meal of salad, catfish, fries...with not even two hours passed since he ate lunch. LOL

Opening ceremony:Scottish Sword Dance:Notice the Irish dancers, watching her footwork.The Jackson (Mississippi) Irish dancers:Yes, the little once danced, too.Roll call of the clans:
Scottish Hieland cow:I have a varied Celtic heritage. Irish on my mother's side: Field and Phillips. Irish on my dad's side: Griffith. And Scottish on my dad's side: Glasgow. The Glasgow's were not highland Scots so therefore have no tartan. However the town of Glasgow developed a tartan back in 1992.Or I could wear the Texas Bluebonnet tartan designed in 1989. Both are registered in Scotland. I REALLY like that Texas Bluebonnet Tartan!!!