Crazy Quilt - that is. I started several blocks sometime last summer I think. A few
wonderfully talented women over on the HGTV quilting forum started sharing their knowledge. I haven't done anything in a while. BUT...while shopping with Carol today (Sam and Elton were once again out
of town - hope they don't "learn better" and stop going off together) I ran across a couple of Leisure Art books at Hancock's Fabrics. And they were half price. How could I pass up a deal like that?

Then. We went to the mall and I found several things at Dillards that I had to have. All were on sale and I think I did very well indeed.
Of course, before all that, we ate Chicken and Gnocchi at Olive Garden. Yummy!
I've been saving some embroidery patterns I've came across lately. I Hope to get to them some time this year. Our Hancocks sure has got a bigger selection and much better line of fabric now. Since they redone their store I enjoy shopping there. They seem to have more new fabric every time I go now. The book looks like it has some really cute projects in it. Would love to see the CQ you been working on
Working on CQ blocks is a best done while watching tv,especially when Dh wants you to watch some boring show with him..LOL
Looking forward to seeing your blocks.
Thanks for your comments. I have photos of my CQ projects posted on my blog.
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