And, what about...
James Earl Jones - edited He's alive and still acting! I thought so too, but in Wikipedia I saw the 2006 death date. That was his dad. Thanks Shogun for setting me straight.

James Garner - Murphy's Romance with Sally Field was one of my favorites.

Tom Selleck - who can forget those Magnum, PI legs?! And he wasn't bad at all in Quigley Down Under. He also played in a few movies based on Louis L'Amour's Sacket family books with Sam Elliot.

And last, but definitely not least - Sean Connery. ANYTHING he does is...
Is anyone else getting hot in here?

I dream-t I had sex with Sam Elliot please dont tell my husband...it was good....
There is currently an orange juice commerical with Tom Selleck as the voice and I love to hear that commercial!
James Earl Jones & Sam Elliot are the voices. There are so many "hunks" of the past..hmmm..strike that..classical guys:
Richard Gere, Harrison Ford, Paul Newman, Clint Eastwood and my favorite for his attitude..Jack Nicolson.
Oh, my, yes! Holee. I just couldn't list them all but definitely Harrison Ford, et al, crossed my mind.
In an earlier post I mentioned some of the other classical guys and may have left some out...John Wayne, Glen Ford, Henry Fonda, James Stewart, Spencer Tracy, Fred Astaire...so many gone. Will this generation leading men be remembered like those? I don't think so!
You've got really good taste in men! Could it be because it's so much like mine????
I thought James Earl Jones was still alive.....?
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